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Attendance & Punctuality

Why is attendance and punctuality important?

Good attendance and punctuality are vital if children are to do their best and make good progress.

A child's time in school is very important as it impacts upon the following:

  • their learning
  • their friendships
  • their self-esteem and confidence

It is, therefore, vital that every child attends school every day.

Our attendance target is 95% for the coming year. We really want to meet this.

If your child has only 90% attendance, it means they miss:

  • one half day each week
  • nearly four weeks each school year
  • over one school year in a school career

Research shows that children are much more likely to meet age-related expectations if they have high levels of attendance at school, and we aim to promote this from the very start of their school career. This encourages children to form positive attitudes from a young age, which will influence their approach to work and life in later years. If children understand how important good attendance and punctuality is, they will achieve more in school and will develop good habits for the future.

What are our expectations?

It is statutory for children who are age 5 or older to attend school.

This means that all the children in our Key Stage 1 and 2 classes, and the children in our Reception classes who have already had their fifth birthday, must come to school every day. The Government’s minimum standard for a primary school’s attendance is 95% and our attendance target is 95% or over. We also work hard to encourage all the 3 and 4 year old children who attend our Nursery and Reception classes to come to school every day.

If your child is ill, please contact the School Office by 8:00am on the day of absence and explain exactly what is wrong with your child. Please make sure you phone school every day your child is absent unless you have been given a sick note and have a date for return. If an absence is not reported by a Parent/Carer, then we are duty bound to investigate, and if no reason is given then it becomes an unauthorised absence.

Holidays in term time are not permitted, and the school complies with the national and RBKC policies relating to unauthorised absences. 


At Barlby, we have a 'soft start' to the day and all children are expected to be in school between 8:20am - 8:40am.

Any child arriving at school after 8:45am is recorded as late and parents are required to give reasons for lateness and to attend meetings with their Key Stage Leaders if there is persistent lateness.




Get in touch

Barlby Primary School, Treverton Street, London, W10 6DW
020 8969 3988