Admissions Arrangements
Barlby Primary School has two classes in each year group from reception to year six, with up to 50 places available in each year group. We also have a nursery class for children aged from 3 and a half.
We handle our own admissions to the nursery. If you wish to make an application for your child to attend our nursery class please contact the school office on 020 8969 3988 or email us. Parents of children attending the nursery class at a school must reapply for a reception class place. There is no automatic transfer from the nursery class to the reception classes at a school. The infant or primary school where a child attends a nursery class will not necessarily be able to offer a place in reception.
Barlby Primary School admits pupils from Reception to Year 6 in accordance with the admissions criteria of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Local Education Authority.
Applicants with a signed Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education and Health care Plan (EHC) which names one of the Royal Borough community schools will be placed at that school via the SEN process as set out in Section 324 of the Education Act 1996. If there are more applications to the school than there are places available, the Royal Borough will allocate places in the following order of priority.
- Children in Public Care
- Children who have an exceptional medical or social need
- To brothers and sisters of children already at Barlby
- To children who live nearest the school.
Barlby is an inclusive school and we welcome all families and children. We encourage prospective parents to come and visit the school prior to any application being made. All new parents/carers are invited to meet a member of the senior leadership team before their children are admitted to the school.
Nursery Admissions
Admissions Procedures
The Nursery
Admissions to Nursery are organised by the school.
Our admission criteria is as follows;
- Children who are in the care of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. (Looked After Children).
- Children who have an elder sibling (this includes all blood, half-, step-, adoptive and foster brothers and sisters who live at the same address) currently attending Barlby Primary School in the September of the year of their admission.
- Children of a permanent member of the school staff.
Where there are more applications that meet this criterion than there are places in the school, the balance between boys and girls and the number of three and four year olds in the class will be taken into account. We will also try to balance the needs of parents and children entitled to 30 hour or 15 hours.
After that priority will then be given to those children who live nearest to the school (Measurement of the distance will be over the shortest reasonable walking route; accessibility by private car or public transport will be disregarded.)
The exceptional educational, medical and social needs of the child may also be considered. In exercising judgement on the exceptional educational, medical and social needs of individual applicants, the Headteacher will have regard to the child’s cognitive, physical or linguistic needs and to family circumstances. The Headteacher will also have regard to professional and independent advice offered by social workers, health visitors and educational welfare officers and the availability of places at other under-five facilities in the area.
Our Foundation Stage operates a free flow system for part of the day, when the children can access outdoor learning and the 2 reception classrooms as well as the nursery class. Our outdoor environment offers the children freedom to explore, use their senses, and be physically active. The outdoors offers all sorts of wonderful possibilities for messy play, we therefore like you to provide spare clothes and wellies (labelled with name) in order to facilitate this.
We encourage parents / carers to prepare their child for nursery by supporting them to be independent with feeding themselves, starting to dress themselves, and toileting.
Please be aware that a place in our nursery does not guarantee a place in our reception class as admissions to reception and In-Year admissions are controlled by the local authority. There is one point of entry (September).